วันอังคารที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Thunderbird delete my old email with out my permission.

Today try to find old email for work but can't find and seem mail in Inbox lost to. Never see this happen with my Outlook so some people say after upgrade thunder bird it will delete your old email. For my suggestion now is stop to use thunder bird and find other or backup your old email before upgrade.
disappoint so much because i lost my important email.

I use Outlook too but I change to thunder bird for a while. now get back to outlook and still see my old email back to 2 year still there.

Still look for alternative for Outlook and Thunderbird ?
I just buy PostBox today at http://postbox-inc.com
You can try first but buy now is only USD 6.95 so I will buy first and review later.
