วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to reset the Admin Kayako password?

If you forget the password for the Admin CP you will not be able to login. - If you are using a Hosted license, you will need to contact us to reset the password for you. You will need to provide us some proof of identity like your Transaction ID or the Order ID before we can reset the password for you. - If you are using a Leased or an Owned license, you will need to run the following queries at your MySQL prompt : 1. Select title,fullname,username from swstaff sw join swstaffgroup sg on (sw.staffgroupid=sg.staffgroupid); 2. Update swstaff set password=md5('Test') where username='username'; The first query will provide you with a user name, which you will need to specify in the subsequent query and it will reset the password to 'Test'.
