วันจันทร์ที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Automation Building tools

I'm newbie on automated build program to build my .Net webapp so i try some research and found powerful 2 tools
MsBuild and NANT

NANT stop update most 2 year.
and can't compile directly to 3.5 solution files but can use NANT to call MSBuild to use that task

so why i use NANT if i can use MSbuild to complete all my project.
NANT come with easy understand XML format and task but with some GUI tool is still expensive (And for not up to date because NANT not update)
* but why use gui tool if xml format is easy to understand right? so why gui tool is expensive to much i don't know.

With MSBuild we will face document Ms Style and with GUI Tools (MSBuild Sidekick) is a fair price to use if we want GUI tool (around $50 i think i can have it)

and With opensouce like MSBuild Extension Pack i most complete my package at once.

but no not because of tool but because i still newbie for this task still learn and yes
I think i will focus on msbuild because it came with any computer that install .NET 3.5 framework

If you have any suggestion or another solution for automation build please tell me.
I will try it out.
