วันอังคารที่ 8 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

ICQ search in Firefox address bar

In your Firefox address bar type (without quotes) "about:config". In the filter box type browser.search.defaultenginename . Check what the value is (probably ICQ). Double-click (or right-click & select "Modify") anywhere on that line and a box should come up with the current default engine name. Just change it to Google and see if that fixes the problem. another parameter 'browser.search.selectedEngine', which was also set to ICQ search, but only in one account. I couldn't actually find it in any other account.
I also deactivated a heap of 'icqtoolbar.xxx' parameters. But none of that helped. What finally did the trick was changing 'keyword.url' from
which I got from doing a google search, and deleting everything after the search term.

ref : from http://support.mozilla.com/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=650923&forumId=1
