have 2 sample function for this (c#)
private Image GetImage(string sURL)
Stream str = null;
HttpWebRequest wReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(sURL);
HttpWebResponse wRes = (HttpWebResponse)(wReq).GetResponse();
str = wRes.GetResponseStream();
return Image.FromStream(str);
private Image GetImageFromURL( string strURL )
//Initialize the return value
Image retVal = null;
//Any errror while connecting to the server or streaming the data into an image can result in an exception! dont forget to use a try{}catch{} block!
//We use the HttpWebRequest object to connect to a web site:
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) HttpWebRequest.Create( strURL );
//Be sure to populate the time out values in the request :)
request.Timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds in milliseconds
request.ReadWriteTimeout = 40000; // allow up to 40 seconds to elapse
//Retrieving the stream of data from the web server is very easy:
// execute the request
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)
//Now we convert the downloaded stream into an Image!
retVal = Image.FromStream( response.GetResponseStream() );
//Perform cleanup on an exception:
catch (Exception)
retVal = null;
//Thats it! now we return the image :)
return retVal;
sorry I can't remember for this reference i wrote this because i found problem about memory full by get Image use Image.GetFromFile so use stream can help alot.